
The co-exploration of consciousness by the unique spiritual figure J. Krishnamurti and world-renowned theoretical physicist David Bohm took place in a series of more than 30 investigative dialogues. The purpose of this website is twofold: To underscore the historical significance of their shared vision; and to perhaps correct the many misleading characterizations of their relationship that have been circling on the web since their passing—including those inferred in the Bohm biography Infinite Potential.

The Krishnamurti–Bohm Dialogues took place over a span of almost 25 years. Although they had met and talked before, the first one to be recorded was in August of 1965, after an annual Krishnamurti gathering in Saanen, Switzerland.

A few months after J. Krishnamurti’s passing in early 1986, friends of David Bohm who lived in Ojai asked him if he would consider holding a weekend seminar there on the grounds of the Krishnamurti Oak Grove School. He agreed, and thus began a series of annual seminars that would last until 1992 when Bohm himself passed.
Please note that this website is now archived and hosted by the David Bohm Society.